2023 AGM

                   REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SEVENTIETH MEETING OF                                                                        THE OLD OSWESTRIANS’ CLUB                                                                  AT THE  ROBERT JONES AND AGNES HUNT ORTHOPAEDIC NHS FOUNDATION TRUST                                                               ON FRIDAY 2nd  JUNE 2023



Martin McClelland Chris Oliver Ash Ali
Robin Banerjee Robert Watkins Will Gibson – Tech
Jeremy Fairbank David Bainbridge – T Patrick Gregson
Bob Pringle Simon Roberts Dev Dass
Andrew Murray A Daoub Rod Warren
Jan Van Mieraeghe (Sr) Jeremy Plewes R Patel
Jan Karel Mieraeghe (Jr) N McKwana Nigel Kiely
Dan Howcroft Jill Mulrain Tom Banks
Kieran Bentick Cat Heaver Hannah Meacher
GareDavid Jaffrayth Davies Jones Kenneth Vaughan Nuthan Jagadeesh
Andrew Bing Mike Clarke Georgi Laing
Tim James - T John Webb Peter Thomas
Rakan Kabariti Geraint Thomas David Barlow
Richard Spencer Jones Mike Wroblewski Musab Al Musabi
Deepak Menon Peter Gallacher Chris McGeoch
Saraih Naseem S C Budithi Nick Neal
Steve Eisenstein Greg McConaghie B Balain
Srin Cheruvu Clive Inman David Harris
Sameera Abas Salmon Sadiq Sophie Crooks
Pedro Ferreira Leonidas Roumeliotis Dan Banks
Melton Douglas Arpan Doshi Paul Jermin
Andrew George Amr Selim  




















Chris Harrington Andrew Carrothers David Jamieson
Chris Weatherley Dickey Jones John Hill
Pete Gallacher Paul Cool R Vaishya
Wayne Donaldson Paul Macnamara J Patrick
Lawrence Moulton Colin Stone John Britton
R Morgan Jones J Trivedi Mike Wroblewski
David Williams Mr Mulholland S Kili
I Hrgetic Waggi El Masry G Cheung
Dave Bhachu Lynn O’Connor Ben Caesar









1.       MINUTES

The President – Professor Thomas called the 71st Annual General Meeting to order and read & signed the Minutes of the Executive Committee held on 10th June 2022.


The Secretary welcomed everyone and then extended a warm  welcome to our newest member of the Executive  committee,  Mr  Pat Gregson.  He then updated everyone as to the progress of the tie/lapel pins being on order and the honours boards now in situ in the lecture theatre.  It was noted that attendance was exceptionally lower this year than expected and that an action plan was needed to boost attendance.  It was suggested that social media would be a way forward to improve communications and it was agreed that Chris Oliver be invited to set this up.  It was also suggested that a new award  being presented at next years’ award ceremony - that of Trainer of the Year could be presented by the trainees as another way to boost attendance.  Other ideas such as a full day meeting  being better value for members was also mentioned.


The obituaries were read and  it was noted that the following members sadly passed during 2022 & 2023

Turyanand Beedasy  A member since 1987   Passed away in early 2022

Gwyn A Evans          A member since 1974     Passed away 20.7.22                                                 Gold Medal Lecturer 1997     President 2006

Angus Jamieson      A member since 1972     Passed away August 2022

 Mr Mel Jones         Not a member but a well respected colleague and well know to members and Oswestry                 Passed away 26th Nov 2022     

A minutes silence was upheld as a mark of respect in their memory 

4.       PRESIDENT 2024/2025

The President advised that it was proposed and unanimously agreed by the Executive Committee earlier today that they would like to invite Mr Michael Stephens, Dublin to be President for 2024/2025.  Agreed by all members.  A formal Invitation will be issued to  Mr Stephens in due course. 


The Secretary advised that it was proposed  and unanimously agreed during the Executive Committee earlier today that they would like to invite Mr Cormac Kelly to  deliver  the Gold Medal Lecture for 2023.   Agreed by all.  An Invitation will be issued to Mr Kelly, in due course.  


Mr Banerjee advised today that he was stepping down as secretary to make way for new blood after the meeting next year having had 5 years in post and 5 yrs as treasurer before that.   Mr Bing also advised that he would also be stepping down as Treasurer after next years meeting.  Mr Bing advised he would take over as Secretary from Mr Banerjee and Mr Ali offered to become Treasurer when Mr Bing steps down.  It was also advised that Ms Catriona Heaver would be invited to become a member of the Executive Committee. No objections received.

7.       TREASURER'S REPORT        

A Statement of Accounts for year ending 31.3.2023 was read by Mr Bing, the Treasurer, he advised that the accounts were looking healthy.   It was noted that the joint accounts held a profit of £201.46.  Which was attributed to sponsorship & dinner fees for this years meeting paid before year end.  There was an overall balance of £10,537.12 in the joint accounts.  Mr Bing suggested the accounts could subsidise some of the venue costs of next years meeting.


The date of next years meeting is Friday 14th June 2024. Venue: Oswestry

It was proposed by the Executive Committee that next years meeting should be a grander affair to encourage members back to the meetings, and that The Barn at the Sweeney would be a good venue.  This is to be looked into.


  No other issues were forth coming.

Professor Thomas closed the Annual General Meeting and the Gold Medal Lecturer – Mr Simon Roberts was introduced

Mr Thomas then presented Mr  MCClelland with the Chain of Office.

The awards being presented later this evening are:-

Gold Medal –  Simon Roberts

Lloyd Griffiths Medal – Tom Banks

Professors Medal –   Jill Mulrain

B T O’Connor Cup –   Sophie Crooks